I am excited to be bringing you my Astrological insights, teachings and inspirations. I would like to regularly provide you with updates on what is happening in our Solar neighbourhood, giving us an indication of what is happening in our lives as well as offering you information on how to bring Astrology into your everyday living. This fascinating subject has captivated my attention for over 3 decades. The clarity, understanding and definition it generates still excites me as much as it did the day I read my first Astrology book, the eternally famous ‘Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs’. From that point on I have dedicated my studies, my creative thinking and my motivation to finding out more about this ancient yet very much alive science. It has been the main structure of my Self development process, adding strength, direction and at times short-cuts along my path. I have no doubt that Astrology can be of benefit to everyone – in decision making, to choosing a career, understanding relationships, to finding the best time to travel, to choosing promo colours and gaining insights as to our health issues, plus so much more. Every area of our life can be more efficient through the use of this subject’s formulas – education, health, finance, environmental, this list goes on!
From studies both internationally and locally here in New Zealand I have had amazing opportunities and experiences of being tutored by many well-respected, vibrant Astrologers. Each and every one of my teachers has enhanced my learning in an individual manner, yet they have all been in unison in motivating me with my progress. I have continued in my commitment to develop my ability thus making my working career and life path that of a professional Astrologer. I have been in practise since 1985.
Over the last 20 years I have been teaching Astrology in the classroom to hundreds of students. From such experience I too have learnt tremendously and for that I am grateful to the many people I can claim as one of ‘my students’. However I am both ready and willing to take my expertise and passion to a wider audience. My first step with this is in the format of this blog, with on-line / correspondence classes being planned for next year.
I have also over the last 17 years been the regular Astrological writer for a magazine, as well as featuring in various other publications. Within Astrovision I have, in harmony with my daughter’s artistic talent, produced the Astrovision Moon Calendar. This has been a yearly production since 1997. From such I have developed an interest of sharing my insights through the written format. With encouragement from those around me I have taken the plunge to become more ‘contemporary’ with my work thus bringing you this blog over our website.
And so it is that as we launch our updated website we look to share with you our talents, inspirations and developments. Please contact us through email if you have any enquiries, questions or feedback.
Thanking you all, wishing you a great day,
Harsha Rigney