Yah, Mercury is now Direct again. It went into Direct motion last Saturday, 27th August. Now information can flow freely again – the purchasing of appliances, vehicles, tickets, anything electrical will be reliable. There may those that scoff at such guidelines but it is definitely worth paying attention to.
In reference to tickets a few years ago I wanted to buy tickets online for a concert. These were going on sale while Mercury was Retrograde. The ticket sales were likely to sell out quickly, they were not going to still be available 3 weeks later when Mercury had gone Direct. So I had to do the deal even though I was aware of the likelihood of some mishap occurring. I went through the process really carefully. I opted for the tickets to be sent to me by courier – thinking that would safeguard the delivery at least. I was eagerly waiting for their arrival. A few days passed with no sign of my tickets. I didn’t know which courier service they were going to use so could not follow up on the delivery. Nearly a week had gone by from my expected date of delivery when I went to my letterbox out on the street verge to check my mail. There I found in the hedge an envelope, partially eaten by the snails. I thought it was a piece of litter that had blown up from the roadside. Upon investigation I found it to be my tickets! I had not received any note or phone call from the courier to say they had come. It was a total surprise.