New Moon Thurs. 2 June
This coming New Moon, @ 11’ Gemini, will also be a Solar Eclipse. The Eclipses occur every six months, giving us the opportunity to redirect our lives, clear out the clutter and refocus upon our goals. With this comes an increase of pressure for us to go deep in our soul-searching, questioning the level of our happiness, fulfilment and nourishment in life. It creates the opportunity for us to make significant changes in our lives easily. The emphasis of this Eclipse will be communication, asking that we clear the air of any grievances or misunderstandings. Don’t let an issue trouble you, as that can become a great leak of energy; it is recommended that you find an effective way to move the issue to a point of understanding, problem-solving where appropriate and releasing the stress and tension that has developed. Usually the impact of the Solar Eclipse lasts for the duration of 2 months, starting with the previous New Moon, (May 3rd) and lasting until the following New Moon. However in this period of time the following New Moon, (July 1st) is another Solar Eclipse! Therefore the total impact will be with us until the following New Moon (31st July). This makes for a heightened time of change for us all. Alongside of this is the fact that we are experiencing planetary configurations that indicate a time of great tests and challenges. These have already been getting into position over the last 3 years, with the most intense time being over the next few months. The July Solar Eclipse will be a time of great intensity, major breakthroughs on every level of our lives will be occurring; it is essential that we move with the changes as any resistance will be foolish.
For those of you that know your birthchart look at the house that 11’ Gemini is positioned in to reveal the exact area of change, where communication breakthroughs are required. The July Solar Eclipse is at 9’ Cancer, again look at the house position of this in your chart, indicating the area where you need to release energy blocks, deepening your emotional nourishment, creating a place of inner security.
Overall – remember to stay out of the stress zone.
Happy Eclipses to you all!