On the 3rd Monday of every month I hold an Astrology talk – 7.30 to 9.00pm. These are held at the Arataki Community Centre, Zambuk Way, Mt. Maunganui. The fee is $10. per night. Each time I speak on a set topic or theme, always in reference to Astrology and how this fits with your life. I ask that the audience bring along their individual birth charts so that as I go through the evenings talk everyone can bring the information back to their personal experience and learning.
If you would like to attend but don’t have a copy of your birth chart please let me know beforehand and I will bring a copy along to the talk for you. I do suggest that you also bring along pen and paper, even though I do provide some notes of the talk you may wish to extend these yourself.
Each talk is designed to be complete in itself, therefore you don’t need to book ahead for multiple evenings, unlike a course. However there is a strong core of participants that attend each time, as well as those that come along when they can.
The dates for the Evening Talks in 2013 are:
15th July, 19th August, 16th September, 21 October, 18 November, 16 December