An Eclipse is when celestial bodies (planets, the Sun or the Moon) line up in exact alignment.
- We have New & Full Moons every month but we only have Eclipses every 6 months.
- Eclipses are times of transformation – a time to pull the lever on the railway track of our life, changing the direction easily, effortlessly.
- The Solar Eclipse is the main point of the transformation, the Lunar Eclipse is the emotional expression of this.
Solar Eclipses with either the North or South Node:
The Eclipses will align with either the North or the South Node. These will alternate, approximately 6 months apart. We feel repulsed by one situation (South Node + Eclipses) then excited with the next (North Node + Eclipses) – this creates a magnetic force for movement – repelling and attraction. Overall if we make the necessary changes at both of these times we will see progress and developments in our life.
The Solar Eclipse is with the South Node ( May 2013):
We will feel repulsed by that situation, being aware that we have outgrown it or that it is no longer healthy for us. We have to reject what is there so that we can move towards the North Node.
The Solar Eclipse is with the North Node ( Nov 2012 + Nov 2013):
We feel excited with the prospect of the newness coming into our lives; we feel positive about the changes and enthused with the potential for new growth. This becomes the power of attraction.
Solar Eclipse:
10th May 2013 @ 19° Taurus:
Looking at the comfort zones we have created that are limiting our scope of living. We need to break away from being in snooze mode and activate our motivation to move on. Taurus likes comfort but we have to ask ourselves “at what cost is this to me”? Taurus doesn’t like dramas so being stuck isn’t confronting, just stuck in the mud!
Solar Eclipse with the South Node in Taurus:
This is a time to be aware of where we are stuck with old habits and patterns, stagnating by holding on to attachments of what is familiar in our lives, even though we aren’t growing. It’ll show our patterns and routines that have become a rut and have become a burden.
- Where the Solar Eclipse is positioned in your individual birthchart shows the zone for you to focus upon and to bring change to. Look first as to which quadrant and then which house the Solar Eclipse is happening in May 2013 in your chart: Where is 19°Taurus? – where do you need to become unstuck?
- Do you have any planets within 5°? What do they add to the story?
Lunar Eclipse:
26th April 2013 @ 5° Scorpio: Where is this in your chart – where do you need to trust more?
The main issue here is Trust – in what ways, with whom, how easy is it for us to trust? Do we trust our feelings, do we listen to our inner guidance? Do we hear the messages spoken in our dreams or in our healing & meditations? We are needing to sharpen our senses so that we can broaden our radar range – to feel the finer vibrations and inner knowing.
Sub-conscious planets in Scorpio will show that the generation and also the individuals involved will have ‘trust issues’. This will be a time to expose them, to work on them and to move beyond the fears associated with the past experience and memories of trauma.
The Lunar Eclipses will show the emotional release required to help us move on.
Lunar Eclipse:
25th May @ 4′ Sagittarius: The reality check – where does this apply to you?
This will be the final flick of the tail for this Eclipse period. We will need to assess truthfully the progress, the changes and the developments we have made over the last month. (If we take into account the build- up period then we must review the last 3 months. What opportunities are around us to open up our life? What dreams are we ready to manifest. A chance now to breathe out before the next Eclipse period starts to build in Sept – Oct.