The Libran (partnerships, relationships) Full Moon brings to our awareness the balance of our life with those around us. As with any Full Moon the Sun is in the opposite zodiac sign, in this reference the Sun is in Aries (individual activities, independence). These two together show us that from our relationships we get to understand who we are. The more connected we are to our centre of being the more genuine our relationships become. As we grow in our self awareness our relationships flourish. They complement each other, weaving harmoniously. We relate to others how we wish to be related to ourselves. This builds respect and understanding. The sharing of support becomes the natural overflow.
At this time we are to evaluate the measures of time and energy we give to ourselves and the amount of life we share with others. With the current lock down in place (due to the Covid-19 virus), taking us away from our usual routine, our view of alone time and shared activities is different to normal. This is helping us to review our position on both extremes – have we been neglecting our own needs or those of our relationships? Now is the time to pay attention to what is required to bring balance into our life. Where have we allowed the busy-ness of our work / career / responsibilities to impact upon us? Do you require more alone time or more together time? It isn’t a matter of quantity but of quality.
With this Sun and Moon placement squaring off to Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn it is appropriate we have independent goals to work upon and shared goals to achieve with others. Having a healthy mix of these in our day / life keeps us motivated and creative. Too much of one and not enough of the other can lead to seriousness, laziness, a lack of motivation and a low self esteem. By simply sharing tasks with another person it holds us accountable to being present with them. With individual activities to build upon it strengthens our self esteem.
The ruler of the Libran Moon is Venus; this is currently in Gemini (light-hearted entertainment, games and variety). This is in a favorable aspect to Mars, the ruler of the Sun in Aries. Mars is currently in Aquarius (social interaction, group meetings and mind stimulation). The easy flow of energy between these rulers is bringing light to social activities – through the internet services we are building community networks, finding ways to share ideas and creative projects, to the sharing of games and light-hearted entertainment. Even at such a challenging time of this lock down our community spirit and social connections are still buoyant.
Whether you are at home on your own or in a shared ‘bubble’ find ways to keep yourself on an even keel with individual activities and shared interests.
Wishing you all a happy Full Moon.