CANCER : (21 June – 23 July)
Your focus for this year: FREEDOM & FLEXIBILITY WITH YOUR WORK
It is vital that you keep communication lines open & clear in all of your relationships, as any issue swept to the side will develop into a much bigger problem. It does take courage to spit out your feelings but once released you will feel much better. This is a time for you to be putting long term plans into place, setting yourself up for future developments. Having the right people on board for your projects will add to the success rate. You need to have greater freedom & flexibility with your work. Feeling stuck or bored, especially in the springtime, will cause you to react. Be aware of your choices, as this reminds you to be responsible for your decisions. Family gatherings & special occasions highlight your year, bringing loved ones together. There is much healing in these occasions, even if not spoken it is definitely felt.