Mood for Month:
December: Take the time to note your progress, seeing the steps you’ve taken & the changes you’ve made. Give yourself rewards for your efforts.
January: The completion of tasks is important. A balanced approach is best, find ways to keep an even keel with work, home, ourselves & others.
February: Relationships are under pressure to grow. Holding onto old attitudes is limiting. Be courageous; express your love & feelings.
Horoscopes are written for your Sun sign position, however if you know your Ascendant sign make sure you read that one as well.
As of the 8th Dec until the end of July your ruling planet, Mars, will be situated in your opposite sign, that of Libra. This will provoke you to be more aware of your relationships, creating an emphasis on sharing with others. As you are a sign of action choose to spend time with those that are motivated and energized as this will help to keep your spirits up.
With Venus, your ruling planet, moving retrograde from Dec 22nd until Feb 1st, you will want to take time out to reflect upon the year that has been. Pay particular attention to the points of completion where closure has happened. Tie up any loose ends, clear out cluttered spaces and release past attachments. This will prepare you for the next developments.
Mother Nature is our ultimate teacher – she is always there when we need her guidance, she loves us unconditionally, accepting us totally, providing us with an abundance of ways to learn our lessons. By observing, by relating, by recognizing the wisdom of Mother Nature we can learn and grow incredibly. A current lesson for you is with the ripeness of fruit – how it falls at exactly the right / ripe time!
We are all in the process of ‘birthing humanity’ to the next level of Being, a process that has been in place for the last 5 years. The birthing contractions are intensifying – adding pressure & demands. We know we can’t go back to the old way of living but the new hasn’t yet manifested. This calls for extra care, awareness and sensitivity. Be careful you don’t hide away. Stay connected.
From Dec until the end of July your communication will have more energy & dynamics to it. This will be great if you want to promote yourself somehow but in reference to your relationships it could come across as aggressive. Make sure you burn off any excess energy through walking & running before sharing your ideas with others. Your mind will be super excited & speedy.
This is an excellent time to de-clutter your life, releasing unwanted possessions, purging old emotions & cutting the cord with lost dreams. Any resistance to this is only a limitation, an attachment to the past. Time to do a reality check – you don’t need to hold on anymore. The more thorough you are in the release the brighter, lighter you will feel. Jump in, be total, let go your past.
Over 2013 & now moving into 2014 this is an awesome time for you to set up long term financial systems. Be cautious with any expenditure; look out for being excessive or wasteful. It’s time to be wise with your money. You can easily invest more into your talents by dedicating your time and determination to reaching a goal. It all comes down to managing yourself better. Set a plan to guide you.
What more can you put into your kit bag? While Jupiter is in your 9th house this is the best time to stretch your horizons, adding to your life experiences, developing upon your skills and confidence. Travel, outdoor activities, spiritual development and further education all feature. This takes you through to July. Make the most out of it.
Over these summer months find positive ways to keep your mind busy and stimulated. Reading, study, puzzles and crosswords are all effective ways to keep your mind occupied. Learning an instrument or a new hobby or skill is also recommended. Without these measures your mind will be unreliable, bored, creating problems to have something to entertain it. What are you going to choose?
Since 2008 Pluto has been moving through Capricorn. It will take until 2023 to complete this journey. The experience of this coming across your Sun turns you inside out. Those of you born in December are nearing the end of this process, as now Pluto will focus upon those born in the first week of January. Under this pressure be kind to yourself, realize your life is going through a major transformation, don’t resist the changes!
For your sanity and peace of mind, as much as possible, try to keep your life simple and easy; staying away from complex situations. You need to have a healthy routine of eating well and sleeping comfortably, tending to your tasks consistently and progressively. You’ll know if you have it just right as you’ll sleep well. Having sleeping issues indicates your day is too intense. Release the pressure!
We are being blessed with the opportunity to heal deep wounds, releasing pain held from long ago, washing away the tears that have been bottled up. This doesn’t need any words to move it, just awareness of a sense or a feeling. It’s important that we deepen our understanding and experience of trust, moving to the point of vulnerability with sensitivity and care. Choosing the right people to share this experience with is wise. Let water heal your heart.
Horoscopes Dec 2013– Jan 2014 Harsha Rigney – Astrovision Copyright 2013