As the planets move through the zodiac signs we all get to experience the energy relative to that specific combination. Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System, indicates our confidence, enthusiasm, our adventures and travels. It shows where and how we can stretch our capacity, taking on more, going beyond previous horizons. It will be in Cancer until July 2014. Cancer is the sign of our emotional comfort, care and support, where we are at home, nurtured and safe.
Having Jupiter move through this sign in the next year indicates a time for us all to create a warm and nourishing nest for ourselves, a place of deep soul nourishment. This may not necessarily be in your domestic environment, as for some people they are more at home when at their work place, while for others it may be in their connection with Mother Nature. You may even be able to define it into a smaller area of an exact room of your house, a particular part of your garden, or a certain area of the beach you go to. The focus is on identifying where it is that you turn to for that emotional nurturing and place of belonging. Over the next 12 months it is appropriate that we build upon this environment, bringing more energy, presence, life and creativity and as we do so we build upon a sense of trust, healing and peace.
For the benefit of our emotional state of holistic well-being it is essential that we all have an exchange of giving and receiving care and support. For this to be healthy it has to be flowing, both in the giving out and in the receiving in. If this is operating only in a 1 way direction there will be an emotional imbalance, which can lead to dysfunctional outcomes. In whatever way is required to maintain a healthy balance in our life it is vital that we share our emotional warmth, care and support.