It’s time to be creative in getting systems into place. Focus on efficiency and eliminating wastage. There will be bursts of ruthlessness – allow yourself to purge away old habits, identities and attachments. The outcome will be refreshing.
Ultimately the greatest changes we have to make are the changes of attitude, for it is in our thinking and patterns of behavior that we get stuck, resisting forward motion. Pay attention to how you perceive your current world – be open to change your thinking and perspective.
The Solar Eclipse on the May 21st is at 0’ Gemini – where in your life do you want to break free? This marks a time to change the direction in your life – lifting you out of rigid routines and set patterns. Take up the challenge; be courageous in doing what inspires you most.
Your home is always important to you. With current planetary positions put the effort in making your home a solid foundation of soul nourishment, a place of rejuvenation and rest. Having quality time at home alone is deeply healing – use this time wisely.
The Full Moon in June is a time for you to celebrate with family and close friends. Allow those dear to you know how special they are. Too often we take it for granted that loved ones would know this – don’t let them assume, express from your heart.
Life experiences are taking you deeper now, as you journey further into the realms of psychic and spiritual awareness. This will bring visions, dreams and insights into your everyday life. Welcome these gifts with an attitude of acceptance. By being open more will come.
The pressure of change is upon us all – for you this applies to your relationships and emotional patterns. Through soul-searching you can expose the old habits that have limited your progress. Be ruthless in purging these fears and insecurities away. Healing comes from diving deep.
The Solar Eclipse, May 21st, will bring buried emotion and secrets to the surface. Whilst being suspicious is natural to you it’s the development of trust that needs to grow. Your relationships will benefit from you opening up and sharing your feelings, breaking through the communication barriers.
The Lunar Eclipse, 4th June is in your sign. What significant changes have you made in your life since the Solar Eclipse last November, (which was also in your sign)? Are you walking your talk? With Jupiter – your ruling planet, moving into Gemini in June it is important that you have a buddy to share your experiences with.
As of mid June your work load (of paid and unpaid employment) will increase – this will be in effect until June 2013. It is advisable that you pace yourself, set reasonable goals and keep within a moderate margin of energy exertion. Anything in excess can be detrimental, leading to burn-out. Take care!
Money matters concerning family and friends can become awkward. Stay true to your priorities, keeping in mind the importance of these relationships. Money can come and go but relationships aren’t a trading commodity. The Eclipses occurring in these months will highlight this.
It’s time for us all to deepen our psychic and spiritual awareness. For you this is your natural environment, being at home in the realm of feeling. There is much you can offer as inspiration to others, sharing your gifts of healing and acceptance. It starts with you acknowledging this within yourself.