The New Moon in Aquarius (Feb 12th) set the theme for the month ahead to be on friendships, honest relating, the appreciation and value of the people in our life and the direction for all of humanity. We are the current expression of human evolution; it is up to us to shape the future developments of our species. By making positive steps of change, one person at a time, we can grow new skills, improve upon our abilities and create more efficient use of our tools and resources. Let’s be the best we can! Avoid situations that bring out your worse qualities, gravitate yourself to places, people, situations and life experiences where you shine your brightest. Find ways to add sparkles of inspiration to your day!
Mercury in Retrograde Feb 2021
When a planet moves retrograde it is sweeping over zodiac degrees that it has recently already covered. As with every retrograde we are given the opportunity to go over lessons, experiences and situations again. We have the option to dig deeper or retrieve something we lost. But this can also be disorientating and confusing, as we get out of step with our usual pace, facing a different direction. Hence Mercury retrograde usually brings us times of miscommunication and misunderstandings.
However in this current Mercury retrograde period it is moving through Aquarius. Here it is in its placement of strength, in exaltation. That in itself makes it an easier experience, with the emphasis on being open to a different perspective; it may be challenging, but ultimately it is refreshing. It can give sparks of inspiration and freedom, if we are light enough in our attitudes.
Currently we have a large collection of planets in Aquarius. From their presence Mercury is getting bolstered, uplifted and encouraged. It is exposing us to people we would not usually spend time with, sharing conversations about topics we don’t usually talk about. This is putting us into social situations that aren’t our normal experiences, shifting the way we relate to our friends. There is a curiosity to explore a different path, to generate a different outcome.
From the house location where Aquarius is in our chart it will indicate where these opportunities are for each of us. As Mercury is retrograde from 26’ to 11’ the aspects it makes to the planets and points around our chart will indicate the topics, the people and situations we will involve in this event.
With Mars in Taurus, at 90’ to the Aquarius group, there is the likelihood for arguments, tension, confrontation and disagreements. Look out for stubborn attitudes; they block the path to growth. Stay connected to what is important, choose your battles and don’t waste energy trying to prove your strength. Open communication is to be encouraged, not battled over. Start the conversation with choosing the appropriate time to talk and then lay a foundation of appreciation. This can be within yourself, or of the other person, or of the situation you are facing. It sets a solid base of values and stabilizes the energy. From there build structures of open communication by listening well, speaking clearly and recognizing what you are learning from the experience. You’ll know when the energy has shifted as your thanks will be genuine.
Reflection is always a good retrograde task. Over these next few days (Mercury turns direct on Sunday 21st Feb), give yourself time to reflect on where you are in your community, with whom do you want to share experiences with, how do you communicate and where do you go for inspiration?
Blessings :-