New Moon in Aries
Today at 2.33 am (NZ time) we had the New Moon. This was at 13’ Aries. When we have a New Moon the Sun and Moon are at the same point of zodiac in our sky. The zodiac sign indicates the theme or mood for the following lunar cycle (29.5 days). With the Aries New Moon it is appropriate that we endeavour to reach a personal goal, pushing ourselves to the next level of achievement, productivity and ability. This can be on any level – physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, however Aries is predominately physically orientated. Therefore set yourself a significant goal to reach physically. This could be in relation to a sport or exercise activity, a measure of endurance or strength or the completion of a set project that is physically demanding. In reference to your overall fitness are you balanced in the various modes of physical ability or do you tend to focus your fitness training on some modes and not others? The modes of fitness are: strength, stamina, flexibility, speed and accuracy. This is a great month to push your fitness levels to another dimension.
Not only do we have the Sun and Moon in Aries but also Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus! Mercury in Aries brings direct communication, with a low tolerance for waffle! Mars rules Aries so it is in its home turf; the influence here is about projects reaching completion as quickly as possible, with motivation being at a high. Jupiter has been in Aries since late January and will be here until early June. This is encouraging us to create our own opportunities, don’t wait for others to present them, just do it! Uranus moved here only a few weeks ago and will be here for approximately 7 years. As this is a subconscious planet it deals more to the attitudes we need to change. We need to break free of the confining attitudes that hold us back individually – be aware of your choices, take full responsibility for your actions and be willing to look at your life from a different perspective. Push yourself beyond the experiences of your past, be prepared to break new ground or try something just out of your reach. In whatever way is applicable to your life utilise this surge of energy by jumping into the unknown.
With six planets (I’m calling the Sun and Moon planets for ease) in Aries this is an incredibly high energy time. To ride this wave by have projects to focus your energy on, have an exercise programme to move you physically and be willing to direct your life with the attitude of “I can, I will and I am”. We don’t have time to dawdle, postpone our plans or to get distracted. We all need to lift our energy levels up to the next dimension. So with the New Moon upon us set some exciting, energy demanding tasks and JUST DO IT!