With the North Node (higher vibration) in Libra, (Feb 2014 – Nov 2015), we are all needing to deepen the quality of our relationships, finding ways to strengthen our connection to those we hold dear. It is good reminder not to take the other for granted or to get complacent with loved ones. It indicates that having a friend or partner to share our tasks, experiences and challenges with we feel more open and available. With the South Node (baggage and burdens) in Aries doing these same tasks on our own feels heavy, isolating and tiresome.
Since December we have had the North Node, Pluto and Uranus in a T-square configuration, where two opposing forces, North Node opposite South Node / Uranus, are in a 90’ aspect to Pluto. This has been pushing us all to be more accountable in our relationships, our direction in life and our self motivation. January & February are the strongest months for this – are you acting on your decisions, do you have a clear view of your path, are you keeping yourself energised to stay on track and at a healthy pace? This is tough for us all but we need to be making significant steps ahead, showing proof of our progress and generating positive changes that benefit more than just ourselves. This is humanity birthing itself – push on through!