Over recent weeks we have had many planets, (Uranus, Venus, Mars, Mercury + the Sun and Moon), move through Aries. This has brought a sense of urgency to many situations, pushing us along on our path with great gusto. Situations that had sat for long while have been accelerated into movement. At times we could hardly catch our breath as life changes were moving so fast.
Now these same planets, well most of them – the Sun, Venus, Mars are moving into Taurus. This will settle the energy into a more methodical pace, generating a steady pulse and routine. It is advisable that with the recent changes and flurry of energy we have experienced that we get into an easy pace, consistent and gentle as quickly as possible, so as to keep sane! We need to integrate the new patterns into our life without missing a beat. Steady as she goes!
When the Moon joins them in Taurus it will be creating the Solar Eclipse on the 10th May at 19’ Taurus. With this aligning with the South Node in Taurus it is a time for us to be aware of the areas in our lives where we feel stuck, stale and stagnant. It will ultimately make us feel repulsed, urging us to break away from the past where we have become limited and restricted. Comfort at what cost!
Knowing where this sits (19’ Taurus) in your chart will show exactly where and what you need to break away from; finding new pathways, new patterns of behavior and new routines. When the Eclipses happen it is a time to effortlessly redirect our lives – as if we are pulling the lever on the railway track, the train will now go the opposite direction, no longer to the left but to the right. If we don’t make the changes as required then we add cargo carriages to our train – it makes it a bigger effort next time to change our direction. Traveling light is much easier.