Solar Eclipse Nov 14th & Lunar Eclipse Nov 29th
The psychological effect of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses are always very intense. They mark a time of great changes and breakthroughs. As if pulling the lever on a railway track we can easily change the direction of our lives. The energy leading up to the Solar Eclipse was like being on a roller coaster – challenging, provocative and demanding that we move instantaneously – pulling G forces for sure! This was in Scorpio which meant it was like a volcano, building in pressure, dredging deep emotion to the surface. Purging, releasing, transforming. Phew!
This came to a big release with the Solar Eclipse on Wed 14th Nov. The energy has broken through the barrier; the rebirth can be felt and activated. Yah!
Next we need to bring our attention to the Lunar Eclipse on the 29th Nov. While these Eclipses are set for a particular date the effect of them starts with the lunar month prior (as of the 16th Oct) through to the lunar month after (13th Dec). This Lunar Eclipse brings with it an awareness of communication – how much to say, in what environment, in what manner, and to whom. We need to be clean, clear and healthy in sharing our ideas and expressing our feelings. Anything less than that level is a waste of energy; a leakage of creative forces and a distraction from our focus. Be wise with your words!
Silence and observation are great allies at this time. Remember Mercury is Retrograde until the 27th. Watch and wait where necessary, the right time will show itself.