I have written the monthly horoscopes for a magazine for 17 years, and in that time have worked to the requirements of the editor. This position was changed a few times over those years yet my contribution remained constant. Whilst I appreciated the editor’s feedback and guidelines I am thrilled to be creating my own style through this outlet. I would like to add that I am truly grateful to the editor’s help and support in bringing my work to the large quantity of readers. Many of you have contacted me over the years for personal consultations and even more so recently requesting my horoscopes.
In the Astrovision Moon Calendar, which is an annual production, I write the horoscopes for the year, with a focal point outlining the most significant theme for each Sun Sign. The horoscopes you are about to read that are offered via our website will be released each month. For a more in-depth look at your year ahead or further along on your life path I would recommend you have an Astrological reading done with me. The birthchart reading is the foundation reading; from there the transit reading follows. Please click on the page titled ‘Astrology Readings’ to get more information.
In the monthly horoscopes I like to incorporate an overview, titled ‘Astrovision for ….whatever month…’ This gives indication as to what we need to be extra vigilant and aware of during that time. For a seasonal overview please refer to the Moon Calendar where the ‘Seasonal Forecast’ provides general direction and guidance for the year, in 3 monthly intervals.
With the horoscopes, astrologically we write them for your Sun Sign grouping – often more commonly known as your ‘Star Sign’. This is the most widely known part of your individual birthchart and is easily found by simply knowing your date of birth, e.g. someone born on March 18th is a Pisces Sun Sign. For those of you who know a bit more about Astrology and have your individual birthchart it is also appropriate that you read the horoscope of your Ascendant or Rising Sign as well. This information is gained from your full birth details – date, time and location of birth.
It is with great pleasure that I bring these horoscopes to you.
Wishing you all happiness along your path,
Harsha Rigney