New Moon 6th December
With the New Moon in Sagittarius the theme for the month is “give it a go”. With a positive attitude anything is possible. This is a great time to jump into new adventures and experiences, pushing your boundaries further out. It’s time to stretch your capacity.
Over the next 7 weeks take some time out from your everyday schedule to look at the bigger picture of your life, soul-searching ask yourself these significant questions – where are you in your life journey, what has brought you to where you are now, what lies ahead for you, what direction are you heading? We are about to embark on an accelerated rate of development – to prepare we need to be light in ourselves, with a clear sense of direction and motivated in our stride. Before we can step forward however we need to release and complete the tasks that we have commitments to, clearing the space for the new developments. If you have any outgrown projects & goals consuming your attention or taking up space then this is the time to move them on. If you still have energy for the task then set to and finish it, otherwise give it away or release it off your schedule. We are not to be holding onto clutter in any regard as it does hold us back. Postponement is no longer a luxury – if you have no energy for the task now there is a good chance you won’t have any energy for it in a future reference. Ideally look to tie up these loose ends by January 23rd.