New Moon in Cancer, 19th July 2012
With the New Moon here the theme for the following Lunar Cycle will be based on emotional nourishment. How well do you look after yourself? While it can be very easy for us to care for others, our pets & gardens we often leave our own needs of nurturing until we are absolutely desperate.
Over this month make a point of tuning into your inner world; take the time to listen to your feelings. If necessary write them down in a journal to read them later or speak them out with a friend or counselor.
Our emotions create a cover over our intuition so when we are emotionally blocked it is very difficult to know or hear our intuition. Once our feelings are flowing freely again it is much easier to make wise decisions, as we simply go with what feels right, our intuition is guiding us.
Creating a comfortable space to recharge is also applicable – whether this is in your home, at work, in your garden or at a friend’s place, being relaxed & rejuvenated is important.