July & August 2012 Horoscopes
Horoscopes are written for Sun sign positions. However, if you know your Ascendant sign please read that one as well.
While Mars is moving through your area of relationships (July 4th – Aug 24th) be aware of the balance in relating. Be clear in knowing how much to do for others and how much to let them do for themselves. When we take on other people’s tasks it can quickly become interference, we are stopping their learning process. Know when to step back.
Up until Aug 8th make sure you give yourself some extra special treats, rewarding yourself for your efforts. Make these fun rewards, in that they are to lift your spirits and bring happy moments to your day. Keep clearing away past issues; releasing burdens & baggage. It’s vital that you feel light & buoyant.
With your ruling planet, Mercury, Retrograde until the 8th August take extra care of yourself. It’s best that you maintain a simple programme throughout the day without great demands upon your attention. It’s at these times that your mind becomes a little unreliable, vague & easily distracted. It’s an excellent time to take a break, daydream & be creatively expressive.
You love to potter around the home and in these months this is heightened. Set yourself small projects that are easily achieved. Sticking to your usual rhythm of action & rest allow yourself time to be busy then take a break, giving yourself the opportunity to recharge. Overall you will reach your goals & feel relaxed in the process.
On the 22nd July the Sun moves into Leo, heralding your birthday month. You are ruled by the Sun so make sure you get to have some lovely moments, days & experiences in the glory & warmth of our closest Star. When we are having our birthday the Sun is at the same zodiac position as it was when you were born, hence the blessing of “Many Happy Returns” is a wish for longevity.
Over these months give some thought to your direction in life – what are your goals & aspirations? Careful of getting distracted by other people’s goals, they may not be appropriate for you. It is necessary that you find the right path that suits your individuality, as well as your current life circumstances. Make sure you have your goals in the right sequence as then they will flow better.
Over these months it’s advisable that you get all paperwork, documents & contracts up to date and systemized. Falling behind will make the tasks huge for later. Try to maintain a consistent measure of progress. Working from a schedule helps you to stay in time. Distractions are abundant so be careful of falling prey to their temptations. When the work is done you can enjoy the entertainment.
Any stress or tension in your life will quickly come to the surface. This can affect your physical health, testing your patience & tolerance. Before issues build up too much it is advisable that you diffuse the situation; have the courage to speak openly about your feelings & fears. A breakthrough is needed – if the tension is too great the process will go through the breakdown first. Raise above the challenge – clear the air.
With your soul-searching ask yourself “what do I need in my life to be happy”? With current influences you are not to have either extreme of too much or too little. Measures of moderation need to be found that are healthy, positive & life-affirming. Getting into leisure & recreational activities will lift your spirits, as will creative projects.
You have until October to reach a significant goal or career achievement. This opportunity has been in place over the last 2 years and is now coming to a close. From that date your attention will be on friendships, networks & community gatherings. This will bring many great people & connections into your life. Do what you can to finalize your own achievements first.
Over these months bring your attention to the people in your life. Are there any areas of wastage in these relationships – with money, emotion, time or resources? Wake up to these situations; look at the manner of contribution – is it an equal sharing? Being blind or numb to these inefficiencies will be draining for you. It’s time to change your attitude about what you value in your relationships.
It’s time to toughen & get the job done. You can easily slip into postponement, leaving the task for another time. Over the next 2 months this will be detrimental to do. By attending to the tasks in little steps & stages you will get the overall project completed. The emphasis is on cleaning & clearing, setting up tidy zones & efficient storage. With the tasks completed you will feel great, just do it!