Mercury Retrograde:
Mercury, the planet that indicates our communication, thought processes and ability to gather and give information, has just turned retrograde. This means it appears to be moving backwards. It will stay retrograde until Dec 23rd.
Mercury goes retrograde 3 – 4 times a year, each for approximately 3 weeks. When this happens we experience difficulties with all forms of communication, whether this be digital, verbal, written or electronically. This is not a time to be purchasing any electrical equipment as it will be faulty, problematic and unreliable. This includes vehicles, along with travel plans, bookings of any kind, especially over the internet, the signing of contracts or important business deals.
The zodiac sign that Mercury is in whilst moving retrograde will also influence the disruptions, in that it will show what areas of our life will get affected the most. Along with this all the planets have zodiac signs that they love to be in (their placements of strength) and zodiacs signs that they feel quite foreign in (their placements of weakness).
In December 2017 Mercury is in Sagittarius throughout its retrograde journey. Here it is in its weakness. While it is here (Nov 7th – Jan 11th) we are likely to feel overwhelmed, overwrought, overcome, overdone! (check out the over… words in the dictionary to get more of the story). In Sagittarius Mercury gets to be exhausted with too much to think about, too much to do, too much to process and it creates a traffic jam of energy, as it tries to fit a lot of thoughts into a small space of time or task. Our minds get overloaded with too much going on.
To balance this we need smaller bites at our tasks, plenty of short breaks with our work, a variety of tasks to tend to and small amounts of fresh air exercise to keep our brains alert and stimulated.
As with any time that Mercury is retrograde its best to be careful of how we communicate as misunderstandings are likely to happen, we are all a bit edgy and there is a tendency to take words personally. With Mercury being in Sagittarius and now retrograde, too much will be said, all in the name of jest, that can’t be retracted, the impact will be felt – as if lighting a match to a bonfire.
Full Moon in Gemini:
Overnight we will be having the Full Moon – at 11’ Gemini, at 4.47 am NZT. This marks a time of significant exchanges of communication, a time of sharing ideas and brainstorming with others. The Full Moon in Gemini can only happen around this time of year when the Sun is in Sagittarius. We feel excited to banter with others, sharing our stories and yarns.
This Full Moon is a Super Moon:
As the Moon journeys around the Earth each month it cuts a slightly wonky circle – extending further out one side, and in comparison, shorter on the other. This is called elliptical. These two extreme points of the Moon’s journey, the closest measure to the Earth and its furthermost measure from the Earth, are noted as perigee (closest) and apogee (furthermost). When the Full Moon occurs around the same day as the perigee it is called a Super Moon. Tomorrow’s Moon is a Super Moon; hence it is looking huge in our sky. This heightens the emotional expression of the Full Moon and will draw more out of us, making us either super energized and excited or incredibly tired and dreamy.
Mercury Rules Gemini:
Following on with my epic story, Mercury rules Gemini – hence this Super Moon / Full Moon is answerable back to Mercury, who has just gone retrograde, whilst being in its placement of weakness! Oh dear, that all adds up to a time of crazy communication, transport issues, vehicle problems, computer breakdowns etc..
Gemini is the zodiac that represents the retail industry ( along with transport, communication, electronics, mechanical devices, messages). Not only will the Christmas mayhem bring a lot of people together in the shops but throw all of the above (Mercury retrograde in its weakness, ruling the Full Super Moon) into the mix and the shop staff will be tested to the maximum.
Saturn aligned with the Galactic Centre:
Over the last month and continuing this month of Dec 2017, Saturn in Sagittarius is aligned with the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy. This is positioned at 27’Sagittarius.
Saturn is the planet that represents our structures, our commitment to disciple; where we organise our life with time management, rules and regulations. With Saturn at our side we reach our goals, we stay on our path, we complete our tasks.
With Saturn moving in alignment to the Galactic Centre (GC) this is a time for us to commit to a path of dedication and devotion. With these two together our promises, vows, contracts and commitments are set into stone, they will stand the test of time. We are currently locking into goals and achievements that will be references for our accountability. Don’t take this too lightly.
It takes Saturn 29 years to do the lap around the Sun, around the zodiac. The last time it was aligned to the GC was in 1988 – 1989. Do you remember what you set up in your life at that time?
All in all, be careful of what you say, promise or commit to. If possible leave it for another time – try next month! Saturn will be in Capricorn by then and Mercury will be going forward.
Happy days to you all.
Copyright 2017 Harsha Rigney Astrovision