As mentioned in my blog in November Mars is in Virgo. During this month of March, as it was in November it will be making a Grand Trine with Jupiter and Pluto. See the November blog for a full run-down on what this means. A Grand Trine opens up opportunities, making it easier for us to surge forward, enjoying our progress with little effort. The planets usually align within the same element – e.g. fire, earth, air or water. This particular one is within Earth – a time for us all to be productive, methodical and systemized. Working to a schedule and within a planned routine we will see good developments come about. Set systems into place, utilize good time management. This is the little piggy that made his house out of bricks!
For those of you that are familiar with your own birth charts it is advisable that you look at the houses that these 3 planets are presently transiting your chart. The trine is focused on 9 degrees – Jupiter at 9’ Taurus, Mars at 9’ Virgo and Pluto at 9’ Capricorn. In most cases the houses will fit within the pattern of the chart – houses 1, 5, 9 or 2,6,10, or 3,7,11 or 4,8,12. These being the pattern of houses associated with the elements of fire, earth, air or water.
Grand Trines can be easily missed – in our human psychology we tend to mistrust or avoid situations that are really easy – becoming suspicious, doubtful or hesitant. Yes the opportunities will be made available in this time – for each of us individually this would be noted by our individual birth chart as to what these opportunities will be. However in whatever manner they appear in your life make sure you make the most out of this situation as Grand Trines are not that common.