I was recently asked to explain how to set our goals with Astrology.
The zodiac cycle – what are my goals for this year?
The Sun moves, from the Earth’s viewpoint, through the 12 zodiac signs in 1 year. This gives us a great framework to plan the next 12 months. What is it that you which to achieve? We get patterns of behaviour & development according to what zodiac sign the Sun is in, e.g. with the Sun currently in Pisces it is a time for us all to be in nature more, taking a relaxed approach to life and being more spiritual / meditative. We can plot that in reference to your individual chart to get further analysis, but as a start look at the zodiacs and get an understanding of the energy of each sign. The Sun takes approximately 1 month per sign. Turn to the May page on the 2012 Moon Calendar for more information on the zodiacs. On the horoscope pages it will tell you when the Sun goes into each zodiac sign.
(A transit reading outlines your individual theme for the year.)
- The year is divided into 4 seasons – goal planning in 3 monthly intervals.
There are 4 seasons with 3 months in each season = 12 months.
The seasons start with an Astrological event –
Summer Solstice (Dec 22nd), Autumn Equinox (Mar 20th) Winter Solstice (June 21st) and Spring Equinox (Sept 23rd).
With each season we get the opportunity to:
Start new projects = month 1, build upon them = month 2 and finish them off = month 3.
On the March page of the Calendar I have put the Seasonal Forecast indicating for 2012 what we are to focus upon in each season.
It is easier for us to manage the 90 day intervals given by the seasons than trying to aim for the 12 month target of 1 year. So with your yearly goals break them into 4 easy measures.
At which point do I start goal planning for the lunar cycle?
The Lunar cycle starts with the New Moon – this is the best time to look at your goals for the next month, taking into account the bigger picture of your year and season goals, at this stage breaking them into monthly bites.
With the Lunar cycle take the weekly points of the phases (New, 1/4, Full and ¾) as the marks of changing the emphasis. The New Moon is a time to plant the seeds (ideas) of what you want to achieve. The 1/4 is the time to assess the growth, to review the progress and give extra fertilizer (motivation). The Full Moon is a time to aim for the peak performance, the highest level of productivity, the busy time. From here the energy starts to decrease, moving onto the 3/4 where from there the time is to tidy up, clear away the clutter and finalize the project. See the April page for more info on this.
How do I set my goals around the astrological calendar?
We have on the 20th March the Sun going into Aries – this starts the Astrological year so at that time work out the goals you want to achieve in the following 12 months, then break them into 4 groups of development (the seasons) then from each of these groups set them into monthly targets to achieve.
Currently it is vitally important that we all have goals to set our sights upon, to have targets in place to aim towards and to have these targets in the right sequence. The zodiac and seasons really do help.
I have given reference to the 2012 Moon Calendar in this article. My apologies to those readers that don’t have a copy – we still have some stock left should you wish to purchase.