We currently have to balance a good dose of energy in Virgo (Jupiter, North Node, & approaching Solar Eclipse) with a good dose of energy in Pisces (Neptune, South Node, following Solar Eclipse in Feb and Chiron). With any opposition it is a matter of getting the right proportion into play, balancing both types of energy to create harmony. If either side becomes dominant the balance is threatened and mayhem results.
With the Virgo energy we are to tidy, to systematize, to correct and to streamline. This needs us to be microscopic in our attention to detail, putting every little feature perfectly into place.
With the Pisces energy we are to relax, trust in the flow of life, and to be macroscopic in looking at the bigger picture. We are to allow nature to take its own course of action, being in the flow of the river as it moves to the ocean.
When applying this information to our individual birth charts, and therefore to our lives, it shows where exactly we need to be pedantic, fussy and exact, e.g. this may be in your area of work. At the other end of the seesaw is the Pisces energy. When this is applied to our individual birthchart it shows where we are to kick back, relax and take an easy approach. If Virgo is in your work zone then this would be in your home area. It is a time to get your work sorted, focusing on achieving goals and at home to cruise along with no big demands.
If we get these muddled up, i.e. become complacent and relaxed with the Virgo zone, or we are overly analytical, wanting to tidy up the Pisces zone we will feel confused, overwhelmed, disconnected and out of touch. We all have the Virgo work to do and we all need to accept life as it is, in the Pisces manner. It is essential that we are accurate in living this out appropriately.
It is really important that we remain very clear as to what needs to be tidied up (Virgo) and what needs to be accepted as it is (Pisces). Life flows effortlessly when we have the right balance.