While the most significant focus of change is with the Solar Eclipse, which will happen on the 4th November, the Lunar Eclipse marks an emotional shift or release. This will be occurring at 25’ Aries. Where this sits in your personal birth chart, first by quadrant, then by house and finally by aspect to the natal planets, will show how this release is relevant to you.
If the Solar or Lunar Eclipses occur next to your personal placement of the Sun or Moon in your birth chart you will be under the greatest influence of change and pressure to grow around this time. With this current Lunar Eclipse in Aries this would involve those of you that have the Sun or Moon in Aries or have the Sun or Moon in Libra, as that is where the Sun is currently making the Eclipse configuration.
This is a time for us all to look at the balance of our relationships – how much time & energy with others and how much time & energy alone. Too much focus on either extreme will be uncomfortable. We need to have a healthy measure of time with others balanced with independent activities.
To create balance is to have a little of both weaving in smaller measures rather than lots of one making the pendulum swing wide and high, consequently exhausting. Take regular short breaks for yourself, re-energising in smaller bites, then have regular catch-ups with partners, friends and colleagues to keep the sharing alive and easy.
Web blog – Lunar Eclipse Harsha Rigney – Astrovision Copyright 2013