Horoscopes March and April 2012
In this time look to develop upon your work systems; pay attention to the small details and areas of wastage. You may need to invest in certain purchases that are beyond your usual expenses but these will be wise investments and provide practical use.
It’s time to reward you for your efforts and hard work over the last year. A holiday or time away would be most suitable. Even though this may have a set purpose to it, try to schedule time out simply to relax and indulge. Look at how you can open up your world and broaden your horizons.
As of the 12th March until April 4th your ruling planet Mercury will be Retrograde. This brings a vagueness to your thinking, where daydreaming can take your attention away from your tasks. While this may be entertaining it is unreliable and distracting. You will need to apply extra effort to get your tasks completed.
This is an excellent time for you to promote your ideas, share your inspiration with others and pool resources with community groups. The current Grand Trine in March will bring interesting people into your life; take up on the opportunity to learn from their experiences as there is much that can be gained.
This season marks a time of busy-ness for you where there is so much to do and in limited time. It is essential that you delegate where possible, staying focused on your priorities. Money matters will dominate and can take more time than necessary to solve. Be patient with your finances.
It is advisable that you keep your body fit and active in this time to maximize the current opportunities. With strength and motivation you will meet your tasks with a bright optimism. Feeling heavy in your body will bring an unnecessary burden to your work. Having support from family will ease the pressure.
The completion of tasks is important at this time – look at all the loose ends that need tying off with projects that have sat around for a while. Under pressure you can get much accomplished. Don’t give up until it is all finished and clear. This will have an enormously therapeutic effect– taking weight off your shoulders. Even the little tasks need your attention.
Relationships play a significant part in all of our lives yet presently you need to look more truthfully at the relationships you have in your life. In what ways can they be better, what more do you want from this partnership? Don’t expect the other to know – you have to communicate your feelings. Be courageous and get it off your chest.
You have a huge workload of paid and unpaid tasks to deal to; getting stressed about it won’t make the load any easier. High expectations will only lead to disappointment – keep your feet on the ground, take one step at a time. Patience is required. Pay attention to your health – being sick will slow you down.
While everyone else is frantic in getting their tasks completed and cleared you hold the key to making it easy – time management. You need to assess the values of quantity and quality in your life, in all areas. Whilst you may only have limited leisure time available with an attitude of quality you will maximize the experience. Quantity enlarges what we have, quality enriches it. The choice is yours.
This is an excellent time for you to open your home, creating a feel of space and abundance. This could see you hosting guests, or renovating your home to bring new life to it, or planting gardens to harvest their future yield. In whatever way you wish to extend your scope at home the changes will be fulfilling.
With the current Grand trine you will have to apply extra effort to get the rewards. In this time be careful of talking yourself out of an opportunity, dismissing a great idea. You could also find yourself dependent upon someone else to motivate you; this can slow your progress down. Finally you will be leaning towards social approval, needing the support from others before you decide. Remember to stay strong and true to your feelings.