On Saturday 12th January at 8.45 am (New Zealand Time) we will have a New Moon. This starts the next lunar cycle; it is positioned at 21 degrees Capricorn. This is an excellent time for us to put long term plans into place, getting them into the right sequence and structure. With Mercury, which is presently in Capricorn, sitting alongside of the New Moon, this offers us good practical application to our ideas and goals. With Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, and Pluto, which is also presently in Capricorn, making a favorable aspect with each other it confirms that with discipline and stamina we can be successful with our endeavors. It is time to toughen up and get the job done. We need to push ourselves to the next level of productivity, proving our strength, dedication and commitment to our tasks. Yes this combination is incredibly military in its structure, leading us to attitudes of toughness but overall giving us the tools to be resilient. When challenged it is resilience that we need. We have to earn this wisdom, these inner qualities; they don’t come with the shopping nor can they be bought online!
To balance this beautifully is Neptune in Pisces – through deepening our relationship with Nature we take our spiritual awareness to another dimension. This brings peace, intuition and clarity to our path.
In whatever way inspires you or is within your local area find ways to be in Nature, allowing her to ease you of your tension, to bring peace to your soul and understanding to your heart.