The New Moon sets the energy for the month ahead. With this New Moon it is all about getting tasks completed. While the list may be long the time to tend to it is now. This will see us clearing up storage areas that have been forgotten and reaching deep into cupboards to purge outgrown items.
It will be best to have a buddy to share in the task as that will keep the energy moving and progress high. However the pace of development is likely to be in spurts, so don’t think this will be consistent by any measure. Tackle it hard and fast, purging thoroughly as you go. This is creating space for the new growth to come. Selling items off can be financially beneficial and bring a reward for our efforts. With this New Moon we are ready to turn past attachments into money making ventures!
The next New Moon will be a Solar Eclipse, on the 16th Feb. The next Full Moon will be a Lunar Eclipse, 1st Feb. These are intense learning times. With these eclipses we are to review the people we have in our life – bringing some closer into our inner spaces whilst shuffling some to further distances. It is important we have the people we want around us and not to be tolerating difficult or uncomfortable relationships.
On a global scale these eclipses will see the changing of the guard – restructuring of significant people in power, along with massive changes of who is in the team and the roles they play.