Mood for November: To be more efficient eliminate that which isn’t working, fix areas of wastage & clear away clutter. Set up systems to note the progress.
Mood for December: Doubt & insecurities can shake relationships, allowing fear to seep into the cracks. Be careful of your thoughts. Build upon your trust.
ARIES: From 13th Nov until 4th Jan 2016 your ruling planet is in Libra – your opposite sign. This is a time to consider the other side of the equation, finding ways to bring balance and fairness for all. Allow yourself time to reflect upon the situation, be careful of jumping in too quick with an answer. The right balance is harmonious.
TAURUS: From 9th Nov until 9th Dec your attention to detail with gift buying and creative projects is heightened. Being fussy is important; be guided by your feelings. From Dec 9th to 30th time with a loved one is to be treasured, be careful of taking each other for granted. For love to grow strong it needs gentleness, appreciation and trust.
GEMINI: Accountability is strong for you over these months. Progress reports will help keep you on track. Take note of even small measures of change, as they will lead to the major breakthroughs in time. The last week of November (23rd – 28th) & mid December (18th – 22nd) will especially highlight your developments. Proof of your efforts is essential.
CANCER: With the New Moon in Scorpio, 12th Nov, the following Lunar Cycle will bring reasons for you to celebrate. Share the festivities with loved ones, opening you to the wealth of the experience. The New Moon in Sagittarius, 11th Dec, will herald a busy month of many tasks to accomplish. Make sure you schedule time out; otherwise every day will get booked up.
LEO: With the Sun, (your ruling planet) in your 5th House, (Nov 23rd to Dec 22nd) festive celebrations are at a peak. To make the most out of this experience find ways to change ordinary events into extraordinary occasions. This is easily done by bringing more colour, music and creative events into your life, lifting your spirits and brightening your day.
VIRGO: Jupiter is presently moving through your sign, until Sept 2016. This is pushing your attention to detail to the extreme, wanting everything to fit perfectly! While you can’t lower your standards it is advisable you allow extra time for your tasks. Your perception of timing is not as it usually is. Be realistic – stretch out your schedule to fit it all in.
LIBRA: From 13th Nov until 4th Jan 2016 Mars is moving through your sign. This is the planet that indicates independent action, physical motivation and determination. It is somewhat foreign to you! Therefore you could easily feel ‘out of character’ as Mars will push you to be busy, asserting yourself in ways that normally you are complacent and easy-going with. This will get things rolling!
SCORPIO: You thrive on having challenges to push you. The intensity of feeling that comes with the pressure of demand, desire or risk is extremely exciting for you. Over these months be very clear and aware of what challenges you are choosing for yourself. If you don’t do this consciously life will choose them for you, this isn’t always to your liking.
SAGITTARIUS: With Saturn in Sagittarius until Dec 2017 your measures of maturity, responsibility and dedication will be tested. While you love to twang arrows in all directions with lots of options and ideas Saturn asks you to commit to a set direction, to be disciplined in reaching your goal, abiding by rules & guidelines. The outcome will be worth the effort.
CAPRICORN: There is more to the picture than meets the eye. You are presently clearing energy from past events in a way that can’t be explained in words but felt intuitively. While on the surface it looks a simple task there is a deeper undercurrent moving through. Be careful with decisions – give yourself time to view the bigger picture of your life.
AQUARIUS: With your two rulers (Saturn & Uranus) moving through fire signs your energy is thriving on action. This is pushing you to be more courageous, creatively energized and bold with your expression. These will have no tolerance for stagnation, boredom or confinement. The excitement to jump into new experiences is high. Enjoy the transformation fire is bringing to your life.
PISCES: The tide is turning from the last solar eclipse in Virgo (Sept.) & the approaching one in Pisces (March). These events are having huge impact upon your life. Knowing what to tidy up & systemize (Virgo) & what to accept as it is (Pisces) is crucial. Getting these out of place is disastrous. Stay out of the stress zone; keep in the flow of the deep river current, stay true to your feelings.