On November 6th 2010, at 17.53 (New Zealand Standard Time), we will be having the Scorpio New Moon. The New Moon’s zodiac position sets the theme for the month to follow. The energy of this Moon cycle is about manifesting our desires. Therefore it is vital that we are clear as to what our desires are as they will be influencing our decisions and steps of action. Hidden agendas build into points of manipulation when we keep our desires secretive. By being open and honest as to what we want it makes it much easier for us to achieve our goals. We can also gain the support and encouragement from others when we are open with our desires; if kept as a secret those close to us become suspicious and wary. So, with great bravado it’s time for us to be bold in announcing “this is who I am, this is what I want”.
On another note the Scorpio Moon signals a time for us to clean out the cupboard of any accumulated emotion and past grievances. Whilst they may be covered in tenderness it is advisable to let the old emotion go. Find yourself an effective means to release this energy, allowing healing to take its place. It feels so good when we have cleared out the baggage, making room for new experiences and opportunities.
On a recent blog I wrote about the need for us all to eliminate the clutter from our lives – this month of November is an excellent time to deal with this task ruthlessly. We have only a few months left to make ourselves as light as possible – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We can do this by eating lighter foods, drinking more water, having positive attitudes and being inspired with life. It’s time to lighten up!