Venus represents our physical love, our sensuality experienced through the 5 senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. This gives us the appreciation of art and beauty. If Venus is well placed in a person’s chart they will be attractive, with a lovely colouring to their complexion and symmetrical facial features. They have a strong magnetism to them, in that they easily and naturally get people’s attention. Venus indicates our kindness, gentle demeanour and artistic ability. It shows our gratitude, thankfulness and sincerity of sharing, as well as noting our most suitable rewards.
Neptune represents our spiritual love, our unconditional giving and deep sense of compassion. It is where we connect with our spiritual experiences of life, our relaxation into the Divine Order and our awareness of our Higher Self. It shows us our meditation and healing pathways.
These two planets are tuned to each other; they run on the same vibration, just an octave apart.
Presently they are both in Pisces, Neptune 2011 to 2026 and Venus 3rd January 2017 to 4th February 2017.
Neptune co- rules this sign and Venus is exalted there. They both love to be in this zodiac sign, it speaks their language and through Pisces they get to experience their best qualities of art, love, beauty, sensuality, creativity, peace, spiritual harmony and healing.
With Neptune in Pisces we are to deepen our psychic and spiritual understanding of life, build upon our relationship with Mother Nature and strengthen our acceptance of life. With Venus in Pisces it is advisable to open up our creative expression, to share our appreciation more generously, giving gratitude for the everyday richness and blessings of life.
So in this month let your senses be your guide – create beauty through art, music, dance, and gardening, cooking and writing; in whatever modality of creativity inspires you. Allow this creative activity to go deeper within you, feeding your soul and aligning your spiritual vibration.