With the movement of the Sun into the zodiac sign of Cancer it sets the day and time of the Solstice. For those of us in the Southern Hemisphere this marks the shortest day and longest night, known as the Winter Solstice. In the Northern Hemisphere this is their Summer Solstice, with the longest day and shortest night.
From our Southern Hemisphere point of view the days will now get longer. We are at the point of the turning of the light. Over the weeks and months to follow the Sun’s path across our sky will get longer and higher.
For thousands of years, in many cultures around the world, this event has been well celebrated, recorded and noted as influential in our yearly events, as a time of great celebration and festivities.
It’s a time to reflect upon our inner space, the nourishment within, the roots of our tree, and the emotional well-being of our home. It signifies a time to create a sanctuary, a place of healing and deep soul nourishment, a place to relax and to be at peace.
With the Sun’s ingress into Cancer it starts our next 90 day plan – taking us through the next 3 months of development, with our sights on task completion in time with the Spring Equinox, when the Sun will move into Libra on Sept 23rd.
Current Planetary Placements:
A Grand trine in water is creating a soothing, therapeutic energy that releases old emotion, through the gentle caress of acceptance and unconditional love.
Venus is with the North Node – a wonderful time to allow creativity to colour up our life – go ahead, add a bit of sparkle, it will brighten up your day. Be open to other forms of creativity, having fun with new expressions of art, music, dance, writing and theatre. Being creative is one of the best health tonics possible. It releases joy into our heart.
Mars is with the South Node – this has an element of social distraction, erratic communication and unconscious ways of relating. As this is where the Lunar Eclipse will be in a month’s time it is important we are selective with the people in our life.
A Cardinal T-square reminds us of the approaching solar eclipse and the need to stay true to our path, dedicated to our goals, committed to our responsibilities. It is essential to have a well laid out plan and a firm sense of direction. With a strategy, a plan or a time line to keep us in check we will keep the steps of progress happening. Without the guidelines of self management tools we will feel knocked about with the approaching eclipses.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and with this in Libra this season will be enhanced with the right people supporting our progress. Maintain the balance of home and work, self and the other. Too much in any extreme is detrimental. Remember to nurture yourself too, not just those you love or your home and garden. Take some special time out for your own care and replenishment. No one else can do this for you!
Here is an excerpt from our Moon Calendar’s Seasonal Forecast – Winter
Winter Solstice: 21st June to Spring Equinox: 23rd September
The energy around the eclipse period is always intense. We are under pressure to make significant steps of changes in our lives. At times we choose not to implement these changes, preferring to stay with what is familiar. This eclipse period comes with even more pressure added to it. The force of change is greater than usual. Breakthroughs are possible, but so are breakdowns. It is up to us to choose the path we wish to take. One path is based on making conscious choices – this takes courage & resilience. The other path is through unconscious habit, this is fear based. It is challenging & confrontational, we are forced to move on. Humanity is moving to the next level of living. The tide of change is enormous. It’s best to learn how to swim with it. All the while careful steps & accountability keep us true to our path, the direction we committed to at the start of the year. Healing insights & deep intuition continue to guide us. Take the time to listen.