This Lunar Eclipse is at 24°Pisces and will be sitting next to Chiron. It will inspire us to release the past, to remove unwanted energies, relationships or issues that need to be pruned away. In nature this pruning process happens as a natural and easy event. As humans we tend to judge or misunderstand the value of pruning dysfunctional qualities from our lives. It is important we accept this as a natural and healthy process.
In March 2015 we started this eclipse season with a Solar eclipse in Pisces (29°). Over the following 18 months we have gone through a Solar eclipse in Sept 2015 in Virgo (20° ), followed by another Solar eclipse in Pisces 2016 (18°), then two weeks ago the Solar eclipse in Virgo (9° ). From all of these pressure points we have needed to tidy up our lives, release unwanted energies, focus on efficiency, incorporating better systems, letting go old emotion with deep releases.
This Lunar eclipse in Sept 2016 is the outward manifestation of what we started to change in our lives at the beginning of 2015. Below is an excerpt taken from the notes I gave out at my Astrology evening talk August 2016.
The Pisces / Virgo Season: 2015 – 2017
- March 20th 2015 : Solar Eclipse at 29°Pisces: Facing Deep Emotion
As this is the very last degree of the entire zodiac it marked a time for us to complete tasks or relationships that we had outgrown. This showed us where we had become habitual in unconscious habits, lost in postponement, forcing us to break the habits of attachment, addiction, procrastination and numbness. It was a time to pay particular attention to where and how we were wasting life resources. To move through this we had to address our fears of facing deep emotion and releasing buried trauma. Many historical trauma and abuse cases came out into the open with this deep cleansing effect.
Lunar Eclipse: 14 Libra °: friendships / relationships under scrutiny, redefining the balance.
- Sept 13th 2015 : Solar Eclipse at 20° Virgo Focusing On Our Holistic Programme
With this eclipse it positively shed light upon our pathways of self development. With Jupiter in Virgo to accompany it we have been asked to be more accountable with our holistic journey, staying focused on our work and health, as well as our attitudes. We were to develop upon steady routines of health maintenance, building upon our flexibility by stretching our capacity. While Jupiter prefers to stretch to full capacity in one attempt Virgo needs the developments to be measured, moderate and manageable. Health practitioners are required to be life coaches, taking the role of encouraging us, not just with our physical health and well-being, but spiritually too. Many health practitioners are teaching meditation in their practice.
Lunar Eclipse: 4°Aries: self responsibility for actions and consequences
- March 9th 2016 : Solar Eclipse at 18°Pisces: Massive Decluttering Of All Excessive Stuff
This eclipse sat right next to Chiron and opposite Jupiter. These two planets are in ‘mutual reception’ – in that they are positioned in the zodiac sign that the other planet rules, e.g. Jupiter rules Pisces where Chiron is presently and Chiron rules Virgo which is where Jupiter presently is. Here the emphasis of this eclipse was to purge, declutter and release all unwanted energy, stuff, thoughts and emotions. This marked a time when so many people were shifting home or work premises. There was an enormous amount of movement around the global camp! The charity shops, the recycling centres and trademe would have boomed at this time with all the clearing that was going on. Ultimately it was to create space for new growth to come.
Lunar Eclipse: 3°Libra: being selective as to who we choose to partner our projects with.
- Sept 1st 2016 : Solar Eclipse at 9° Virgo :
The two rulers of Virgo are Chiron and Mercury. With this eclipse Mercury will be retrograde and at the same degree as Jupiter (28° ). This will give us the opportunity to reflect upon our progress with this Pisces / Virgo eclipse season, to note our breathing in and breathing out – are we feeling spiritually, mentally, emotionally healthy and robust? As we clear baggage out of our lives it generates more energy, lighter attitudes and a greater positivity for change. Jupiter will in the following weeks move into Libra bringing its time in Virgo to a close for another 11.75 years. This marks a time for us to reflect upon what systems we have created in this last year.
The Lunar Eclipse: 24°Pisces, 17th September 2016, is right next to Chiron – more emotional releases, clearing out the energy and finalising the processes we started in March 2015.
- Feb 27th 2017 : Solar Eclipse at 8°Pisces: Final clearing of Pisces
This eclipse is with Neptune (ruler of Pisces). This is the final release of this eclipse season, and here we are given the opportunity to let go any scar tissue from past situations. Neptune will bring incredible spiritual healing to this process if we can relax deeply in the trust of existence. Allow the river to take us to the ocean! We are to move beyond the fog of unconscious behaviour, becoming more heightened in our awareness, sensitivity and presence. Global issues around fuel companies, drug companies will highlight. The ocean levels will rise! There will be a huge global emotional release, most likely through grief.
The Lunar Eclipse : 22°Leo: looking at creative expression as a means of therapy and healing.
The Sun & Moon, in your birthchart, in Aspect to the Eclipses
- The most influential aspects in your birthchart to have with the solar or lunar eclipses are with your Sun and Moon. These have a major impact upon your life, making it a milestone event. The ones to look out for are the conjunctions (sitting at the same point) & oppositions (directly across on the chart).
- Having the eclipses sit on any of the main meridian points – Ascendant – self, Descendant – the other, Mid-heaven (zenith) – career , or I.C. (nadir) – home, will mark a significant redirection in your life.
- Other aspects to any other part of your chart takes a more secondary role but the impact can still be felt or noticed, just not as strong as the above.
Harsha Rigney – Astrovision Copyright