The New Moon 31st October 2016 occurred at 7° Scorpio. This sets the theme for the Lunar Cycle that follows on. The energy of this will motivate deep emotional purging, releasing old habits and buried issues. This can have a transformative outcome if handled well. The purging is therapeutic, clearing space and preparing for new growth. We are invited to go into our shadow selves, delving into areas of deep sensitivity. This will provoke much soul searching.
Encountering our fears is part of this process. We are to acknowledge what they are and to find ways to rise above them.
The rulers of Scorpio are Mars and Pluto. They are both presently in Capricorn – we need to show proof of our productivity, to take on challenges that test our strength, resilience and determination. Mars will move out of this sign on Wednesday 9th Nov. Make the most of this boot-camp experience! Much can be achieved at this time.
Over this weekend (4th, 5th & 6th Nov) with the Moon also in Capricorn (Friday 4.05 pm to
Monday 2.55 am) it is advisable to have a plan to guide us through our activities. Set a list, a time schedule and expected outcomes. The energy is available for huge developments. It all needs to be well planned, progress needs to be measured and recognition given for work well done. Time management is essential. Completion of tasks is vital. Nothing half hearted here.