Mercury, the planet that indicates our communication and flow of ideas, goes retrograde (appearing to move backwards) 3 times each year for approximately 3 weeks each time. When this occurs we get to experience communication hic-cups! Electrical appliances, vehicles, electronic devices and all means of communication tools are affected by the disconnected energy. This is the worst time to purchase any of those items as they will be faulty without any real problem to them. Leave the purchasing of anything electrical to after the retrograde has finished. This also goes with signing important documents and contracts – it is advisable to leave this for a better time.
The zodiac sign Mercury is moving through, at the time of the retrograde, will influence the effect it has on us. In this time of March – April 2018 Mercury is moving from 16’ to 4’ Aries. This is the sign that notes our individuality – our need for independence, impulsive action, physical drive and singular identity. Where this sits in your individual chart will show where the retrograde will impact upon your life. For those of you that know your chart also look at the opposite sign of Libra at those same degrees as this will be intensely swept into the equation.
For everyone Mercury retrograde in Aries is in reference to our individual tasks, getting ideas off the ground and the speed of our tasks. This is a ‘go slow’ time ; it’s best to be patient, move with the right tide, allow the mood to settle into an easier pace then take the task one step at a time. Be careful of ‘head-butting’ your way – it will just be met with resistance. Instead look at where the gate is open!
Over these dates noted Mercury will also be squaring (90’ degrees) to Mars and Saturn, who are both moving through Capricorn. This can create arguments, strong opinions and feisty discussions. Used wisely this energy offers us the tools to plan ahead, to set effective goals and schedules and to organise our ideas into plans for action. Be careful of fighting with your own energy – it just needs a direction, a plan and a purpose. It is worth the effort to organise your time well, to be sure of your direction and to know your priorities.
A planet moving retrograde gives us the opportunity to go over a situation we have already covered, to learn a lesson again as in revision or to revisit a place from the past. The imprints left by the solar and lunar eclipses are areas to note. With this current Mercury retrograde path we are going over the eclipse imprints of the solar eclipse of March 2006 and the lunar eclipse of Sept 2015. Reflect upon your life at those times – there is information and insights to be gathered from those times that are relevant to now.
Some keywords of retrograde are: review, reflect, revise, repeat, renovate, redo, redefine and recover.