As with every New Moon the energy for the month ahead is set by the actual time and event of the Sun and Moon being at the same degrees in the zodiac. The chart that is set for that time gives the mood for the weeks to follow.
This New Moon, being in Taurus, is bringing to our life the focus of security, stability, comfort and routine. It is with this solid foundation that we can grow in our appreciation of the resources that we have in our lives. These resources are not just money and possessions but also our time, our talents, our skills and our values. It is bringing our attention to the areas of our life that we have invested all of these resources into. What have you invested your time upon? What skills have you been building up? Where do you dedicate consistency in your life, creating a secure base?
In NZ this New Moon was in a T-square configuration. The Sun and Moon were squaring off to the Ascendant in Aquarius and sitting opposite to the Mid-heaven and Jupiter, both in Scorpio.
This configuration indicates the need for us to balance our work and home lives; however the balance will not be by equal measure of clock time, but by the energy exerted.
Taurus likes to plod along at a steady and consistent pace – that will be with our home projects and personal nourishment. It is important that we eat well and sleep deeply during this month. We can easily complete our tasks when we are physically well. Taurus likes to have set meal times and regular sleep routines. To make the most out of this month it is advisable to stick to your basic programme.
Scorpio, on the other side of the zodiac, likes the opposite! In this month this is being applied to our work and goals. It will be with pressure, intensity, challenges and adrenaline. With Jupiter sitting high in the chart at the time of the New Moon we have the opportunity to get enormous amounts of work done in a short period of time, as long as we are ready to jump into action when the time is right. Scorpio operates at its best when the pressure is high. Big projects can be worked on easily but it will be an all or nothing attitude that is with us in every step. Having a vision of where we are headed keeps our enthusiasm at a maximum.
The balance point between these two (Taurus and Scorpio) is where the Aquarian Ascendant is placed. Here it indicates the pivot point of our home interests and our work responsibilities. Aquarius represents the community, our social networks, our friendships and general public relating. In this month it is great to bring new people into our work tasks, sharing the load, connecting with other networks. We can benefit from fresh inspiration and new methods. In reference to our homes trusted friendships and community support create measures of security.
Today Uranus went into Taurus and Mars went in Aquarius. In both references it is important to have a solid base that we can build upon. The foundations in our lives need to be well grounded and reliable.
Team work features strongly this month, both personally and professionally. With the right people at our side we can achieve so much.
Harsha Rigney – Astrovision – Copyright 2018