The Full Moon marks a time when the Lunar Cycle reaches the point of climax, or peak. Our energy is full and ready for release. Extreme behavior is more likely to happen with the Full Moon. The Moon is at the furthermost measure away from the Sun, sitting opposite it in our sky. As the Sun is setting the Moon is rising, and as the Moon is setting the Sun is rising. From that viewpoint it is easy to see the opposing forces of these two luminaries in our sky.
With the Full Moon in Scorpio the Sun is in Taurus. This polarity represents our values and resources, from that which we own and cherish to that which we purge and release. Taurus loves to collect, which can lead to hoarding. Scorpio loves to release, which can become ruthless. A balance between the two is best. We have to be clear as to what we want to keep and what we want to purge. Taurus also loves comfort and familiarity while Scorpio loves change and challenges. Taurus loves reward, Scorpio loves power. The Taurus house (2nd) indicates our personal finances while the Scorpio house (8th) indicates our shared finances. With the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio this is a time to be aware of desires, attachments, motivations and agendas. The power of these two zodiacs can manifest anything they set their intentions upon. Be careful of what you desire. Look into the shadows and ask yourself why do you want that – what emotion is fueling that desire? Awareness is transformational. Some desires we have long held onto may easily drop away, as we recognize the shifts in ourselves and the changes of who we are. Emotionally this Moon offers us a time for cleansing, purification, expelling and release. It takes maturity to be able to expose the wounds; it takes courage to change our actions.
The energy of Scorpio is intense, deep and investigative. This is a time for us to step outside of our comfort zones, to take on a challenge, to push beyond the fear. The two rulers of Scorpio are Mars and Pluto. These are presently aligned together in Capricorn (21’ & 22’). The impact of this combination will last for another week – go for the toughest goal you could possibly go for. The determination, willpower and forces of energy available now are dynamic. Go for it!
The house this Full Moon (9’ Scorpio) is positioned in your birth chart indicates the area in your life where transformation is ready to occur. Planets and points around this will be swept into the rebirth. With Jupiter also moving through Scorpio the energy is huge, the projects are massive and the impact is life changing. The house position where Mars and Pluto are presently (21’ & 22 Capricorn) indicate where you are being challenged to reach the summit of your mountain. Our keywords are stamina and determination.
Happy Full Moon Blessings to you all….